Lake Riffelsee: a natural spectacle of a special kind

Story 10

The Matterhorn is reflected on the surface of Lake Riffelsee, offering a unique natural spectacle. Lia and Kim report on a perfect holiday. 

A perfect day 

Spending the late summer in Zermatt has long been on Lia and Kim’s to-do list. On the Instagram channel of the Gornergrat Railway they have seen photos and reels of the world-famous Lake Riffelsee, which they simply can't get out of their minds since planning their holidays.  

They start their tour early one sunny Saturday morning. In the process of getting there, they enjoy the spectacular journey up the Gornergrat as the landscape unfolds before their very eyes. Once on the Gornergrat ridge, you can marvel at the views of the surrounding mountains and glaciers. After a short stop, the train continues on to Rotenboden. Here you get off and can walk to Lake Riffelsee in 10 minutes. 

What makes the lake so special is clear to them as soon as they arrive. The secret lies in the unique natural spectacle: when the wind is still, the Matterhorn is reflected on the surface of the 100-metre-long and 50-metre-wide mountain lake. Kim and Lia got the perfect day for this. The two sit down on the shore and admire the view of the Matterhorn while having a picnic.  

An unforgettable sunrise 

Kim and Lia hear about a further highlight in the region from other passengers: sunrise at Lake Riffelsee. When the weather is clear, the orange peak of the Matterhorn, bathed in sunlight, is reflected in the crystal-clear water. This creates a play of blue, violet and orange – a scene for eternity. In summer, the Gornergrat Railway offers sunrise trips with breakfast at the 3100 Kulmhotel Gornergrat. Lia saves the website quickly. She wants to surprise Kim with it at the end of their holiday.  

On their way back to Riffelberg, the two can still hear the echo at the foot of the Riffelhorn. Happy and with countless new memories, they take the train back to Zermatt. They both agree: the Riffelberg is a paradise for nature lovers and a must for anyone who wants to experience the beauty of the Swiss Alps. 

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