Bahnhof Zermatt 1960

Towards a communicative future with telex

Story 63

In the 1960s, Zermatt was on the verge of a new era of communication. The spa and tourist office received the first telex connection in the region. Spa director Constant Cachin was enthusiastic about the technological progress.

New administrative rooms

The new administrative rooms of the spa administration were a symbol of the departure into the modern era. Constant Cachin, Zermatt’s first spa director, had been working on modernising Zermatt as a tourist destination since taking office in October 1961.

On 25 February 1963, the time had finally come: the employees moved into the elegant rooms on the second floor of the newly built Gornergrat Railway office building. This was built at the same time as the new station.

Telex as a fast means of communication

The highlight of the modernisation phase was undoubtedly the first telex connection installed by Swiss Post in the offices of the spa administration. Since information, offers, contracts and other documents were mainly dependent on the response times of the post office in those days, the telex greatly accelerated communication times.

The telex provides us with valuable, practical and time-saving services.
Constant Cachin raved in a business report from 1963

Benefits for management

Cachin and his team were able to type messages on the typewriter-like device and send them to distant countries.

About telex

Telex (short for TELeprinter EXchange) is a system for transmitting text messages similar to the telephone network. The telex consisted of only one transmitter and one receiver.

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